Monday, September 30, 2013


Un triste abrazo le ofrecemos hoy, en nombre de Jesús el todopoderoso. De parte de la Casa Hogar para el Niño Huérfano El Buen Samaritano Inc.- y de cada uno de los jóvenes que de alguna manera u otra recibimos algo de este personaje autentico- mi más sentido pésame a la familia Polanco Olivero. Por sus grandes ofrendas de Amor, yo mismo soy una persona de servicio gracia al  gran ejemplo que usted nos a dado y pienso, sin duda a equivocarme, que lo fue para todo el pueblo de Esperanza y más allá, por lo que le pido a nuestro Dios que le acoja en su santo trono.

Henry Batista (el chavo)


Wednesday, January 14, 2009


thanks to queen love, we are all reminded that burning man tickets are now on sale at a low cost of 210$.... so get your's now and lets get started on the logistics.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

missin' all my 'burners!  if you havn't all ready please drop me a line... rob, ian, bc

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

my visions in reveiw

thank you peoples

Saturday, August 23, 2008

water water water

I am being blessed at Esalen with so much water,  the baths, ocean, marine layer, and water color paints what a fine contrast.....I can feel you all creating the camp, the meals, the adventures, the tribe love. What ecstasy, see you all soon leah 
(mama I commented on your blog... yes to it all yes she said yes ah yes yes ( quoted from James Joyce and the monologue of Molly Bloom)...yes

Friday, August 22, 2008

Oh, to arrive bearing fruit ;0)

Wednesday we shall hold a goddess circle to welcome you home!

We will probably have established a pretty good system in the kitchen by the time you enter the playa and, shall we say, make more complete our camp. ;0)

I would envision some fresh fruit, or maybe some of those amazing cheeses, would be a wonderful treat come Wednesday on the Playa. Use your imagination....and your good taste!

Idea: I will make a blog entry from Center Camp on Tuesday (hopefully ;0) to hollatcha if there is any specific item we want (doubtful but a good plan just in case). If you can check the Blog Tuesday then you might just save the day for us.

I love reunions!!! I will be the girl wearing a big smile when you get there... just look for your reflection and you will see the best in me.

<3 Mama Wisdom

Before you guys leave..... there anything that has not been covered?

what is the food situation?

Pretty please register when you can so we can find THE HOT LOVE BRIGADE!

Mean It and i will see you all wednesday afternoon!!!!! tent is 12x12!

I am very thankful for all the hard work that everyone has done!

thank you

see you on the playa!
